Mission Statement: My goal is to continue to be be an effective teacher. Learning styles are changing and we must change with the times. Students want to be in control of their learning using today's technology. This is evident as you walk and observe children in public places. They are focused and immersed in devices such as smart cell phones, IPads, notebook laptops, etc. They want to be able to manipulate information quickly, effectively, and in the form of real life scenarios. Their eagerness to use technology for social networking, quick googles, interactive entertainment, and communication needs to continue into the classroom. Technology is transforming education, and we as teachers need to see the benefits of staying current with new innovations. My goal is to integrate technology into my lessons so that students will stay interested, focused, and participating eagerly and with enthusiasm.
WEB 2.0 definition: WEB 2.0 refers to the WEB applications available that facilitates information sharing and collaboration between internet users. They allow for effective communication and interaction through a variety of WEB tools. Users are active contributers to the WEB experience thus making it ever changing. Some of the tools are blogs, wiki's, social networking sites, or even email applications.
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